Essay lesson 2 : Sunny Sunday

Jazz Lee 李悟
3 min readJun 8, 2021

Last Sunday, the Sun was shining, and the sky was very blue. Mom and I went to Kenting beach in Taiwan, we went to Kenting beach for two days. We had a picnic at the beach. When we reached the beach, we went to the hotel near the beach, and we checked in the room and put down our luggage, ready to play!

When we were ready to leave our room to go to the beach, it started to rain heavily outside. As a result, my mother and I got stuck in the hotel and decided to do activities in the hotel. We went to the buffet in the hotel, I ate more than two dishes of food, and my mother finished almost ten cups of iced green tea. I was stunned that she was able to drink so much! I thought she was very good at drinking iced drinks. We also went to play a lot of fun activities in a playground.

Finally, the rain stopped. my mother and I went to the beach and played in the water. After that, my mother and I took out the food we brought there. There were sandwiches, hamburgers, salad, fresh fruits, beverages and a lot of candies. My mother and I enjoyed the picnic time.

Since last summer, my mother has taken me to the beach every year. We both use the time to have a sumptuous picnic and play in the water. I am almost dreaming of going on a picnic again!

Sumptuous — luxurious, very grand, only use for food

There’s can be short for there is or there was

NO ‘s — like the word ‘Mom’, informal, no short forms in essay

Can you use ‘should’ve’ in an essay? NO, use should have!

Specific — very detailed

Stunned — very surprised

My mother and I vs Me and my mother

My mother and I went to the zoo last week.

My uncle brought me and my mother to a park.

Just remove the other group to see if the sentence is grammatically correct!

What is the most important part of the body?


Conflict means a struggle.

Conflict for Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl were immortal skeletons.

Immortal — Cannot die

Skeleton — Bones of a body

4 W → When, Where, What, Who

One paragraph, talk about the characters and setting


It was a bright and sunny Sunday, the sun was high in the azure blue sky. My mother had decided to bring me to the Kenting beach in Taiwan for a two-day long trip. The highlight of the trip was a picnic that we had. The first thing we did when we got to Kenting Beach was to check into our hotel room. I remember being extremely excited, rushing to put down our luggage so that we could play.

High in the sky — Noon or afternoon.

Azure — this colour.

Mom — informal word, not used in essay writing

Informal — very relaxed

Mother — formal for Mom

Had — past tense of a past tense

Highlight — The best thing

